Egypt Souvenir
Egyptian Handmade Gifts, Souvenirs

Egyptian Gift Shop, Handmade Gifts, Souvenirs, Collectibles from Egypt to you
Egypt Artistic Wonders Iconic Masterpieces
Wonderful Amazing Tour to Ancient Egypt Artistic Wonders

Egyptian Gifts Souvenirs Market Place,
Shopping, Wholesale, Retail

Egyptian Silver Jewelry, Pendants, Cartouche

Silver Jewelry

Silver Pendants, Silver Cartouche
Customized Silver Cartouche

Egyptian Black Velvet Paintings

Black Velvet Paintings

Egyptian Black Velvet Paintings,
Gifts, Collectibles
Hand Painted

egyptian Papyrus Paintings, Hand Painted, Signed

Papyrus Paintings

Egyptian Papyrus Paintings
Genuine Papyrus Tomb Scenes
Genuine Papyrus Paper

egyptian perfume bottles, handmade perfume bottles

Egyptian Perfume Bottles

Completely Handmade
Mouth Blown, Etched,
Colored by Clever Artisans hand

Egyptian Jewelry Boxes - handmade Mother of Pearl inlaid wood Boxes

Egyptian Jewelry Boxes

Mother of Pearl, Sea Shell
Inlaid Wood Boxes
MOP Jewelry Boxes

egyptian fine porcelain plates

Royal Porcelain Plates

Egyptian Fine Porcelain Plates,
Egyptian Home & Office Decor,
Ancient Egypt Tombs
& Temples Scenes

egyptian fine porcelain Mugs

Royal Porcelain Mugs

Egyptian Fine Porcelain Mugs,
Ancient Egypt Tombs
& Temples Scenes

Egyptian Brass Plates for Home and Office Decor

Brass Plates

Egyptian Decorative Brass Plates,
Vintage Wall Hanging Brass Plates
Egyptian Home & Office Decor

Egyptian Handmade Pyrex Glass
 Pure Essential Oils Diffusers

Oil Burners

Egyptian Handmade Oil Burners
Scented Oils Diffusers
Pyrex Glass

Ancient Egyptian History Sculptures, Statues, Figurine, Busts, Coffins & Pyramids

Egyptian Sculpture

Egyptian Pharaohs Sculptures & Statues
Ancient Egyptian History Sculptures, Statues,
Figurine, Busts, Coffins & Pyramids

Egyptian Post Cards

Post Cards

Postcards, Small inexpensive
Wonderful Gift for all ages,
Collectables for good memories

Natural Herbs for Better Health, Organic Anise, Hibiscus, Peppermint, Tilia

Egyptian Natural Herbs
for Better Health

Organic Anise, Hibiscus,
Peppermint, Tilia

Hieroglyphic Alphabet Stencil Ruler, Acrylic

Hieroglyphic Alphabet
Stencil Ruler, Acrylic

Know, Write Hieroglyphic Letters
Wonderful for Kids

Hieroglyphic Alphabet Stencil Ruler, wood

Hieroglyphic Alphabet
Stencil Ruler, Wood

Know, Write Hieroglyphic Letters
Wonderful for Kids

Handmade Beads Bracelet With Ancient Egyptian Scarab

Beads Bracelet

Handmade Beads Bracelet
With Ancient Egyptian Scarab
Many Colors

Egyptian Handmade Gifts, Souvenirs.

Egypt Souvenir is an Egyptian Gifts, Souvenirs Exporter and wholesaler from EGYPT to all around the world. We are specialists in handmade Egyptian Gorgeous Touristy products which been made by Clever Artisans and craftsmen hands, so we have a unique pieces of the Egyptian Handmade Arts,

Our Products.

  • Egyptian Papyrus Paintings with symbols of the ancient Egyptian Civilization scenes and Egypt ancient history, hand made Genuine Papyrus Paper, Light Papyrus and Dark Papyrus Paper, Pharaohs Scenes and Egypt Beautiful Nature Scenes.
  • Handmade Perfume Pyrex Glass Bottles "Unique Pieces". Which are made completely by hand, Mouth blown, Etched, Colored and Decorated with fine Gold Color by Clever artisans hand. Hand made Christmas Colored Pyrex Glass Ornaments, Scented Oil Diffusers, Burners
  • Mother of Pearl Boxes, Amazing Jewelry boxes MOP, Rectangular, Hexagonal, Octagonal and wonderful Shapes.
  • Decorating Brass Plates with famous ancient Egyptian kings, Pharaohs and The Queens Scenes.
  • Egyptian Fine Porcelain Plates and Mugs.
  • Egyptian Statues and Sculptures, metals and stones.


  • Secure Server Checkout (SSL).
  • High Quality Products with low prices for Our Customers.
  • Special Prices For Wholesale Dealers.
  • 100% Refund Policy.
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Η κακή διατροφή, η έλλειψη άσκησης και το άγχος μπορούν να επηρεάσουν τη λειτουργία του εντέρου, προκαλώντας δυσφορία και φουσκώματα. Η δυσκοιλιοτητα είναι ένα συχνό πρόβλημα που χαρακτηρίζεται από σπάνιες ή δύσκολες κενώσεις. Η αυξημένη πρόσληψη φυτικών ινών, η σωστή ενυδάτωση και η τακτική σωματική δραστηριότητα βοηθούν στη φυσική ρύθμιση του εντέρου και τη βελτίωση της πέψης.